Universal Scientific Industrial

Supply Chain Management

To ensure suppliers and contractors provide high-quality products and service in a sustainable, ethical and responsible fashion.

Supplier Sustainability Management

Supply chain sustainability in environmental social governance is a key element of our overall focus on corporate social responsibility. USI plays a vital role in transforming our society into a green and low carbon economy. We regard sustainability and corporate citizenship as the growth opportunity and commit to providing eco-efficient and responsible service to our customers to achieve satisfactory performance in environmental, social and governance (ESG). USI shall lead and create practices in innovation and sustainability to make a positive impact on our sector, business, stakeholders and society.

As a responsible corporate citizen, USI has taken proactive measures to ensure the highest standards of professional and ethical business conduct. We believe that the sustainable development of our enterprise and the realization of its social responsibilities are vital to our long-term strategies and success.

Green Supply Chain

USI establish the Green & Environment, Health, and Safety Management Department to assure products and operating systems comply with international environmental regulations. We continue to drive performance improvements in our supply chain. We made many activities toward meeting our Green Policy, and continued to collaborate with our suppliers around capability-building and reducing environmental impact.

Responsible Business Alliance

USI has established a standard supplier evaluation system and vendor rating mechanism. We select suppliers based on corporate strategies and continue to have close partnerships with suppliers to build a long-term, stable and sustainable green supply chain to safeguard human rights, protect the environment, provide consumers with healthy and safe products and commit our corporate social responsibility.

RBA Management Procedure
Universal Scientific Industrial

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