Social Involvement
Contributing to Society
Rural Digital Education Program

We launched the Rural Digital Education Program and donated computer classrooms to improve the rural learning environment, enrich teaching resources, and enhance students' abilities. The five computer classrooms we donated are in Gansu and Qinghai. The classrooms hold 150 computers and benefited 961 students in 2021, and the cumulative beneficiaries reached 1,674.
In 2021, we continued to follow up on the usage of computer classrooms. We organized a team of professional social workers, technical staff, project leaders, and local rural revitalization workers to visit the schools and interview the teachers. From our field interview insights, we will arrange computer training courses so rural teachers can conduct computer lessons more smoothly in 2022.
Hope for Pearls Project

Since 2016, USI has actively participated in the Hope for Pearls Project, helping students with excellent grades who cannot afford tuition to realize their dream of finishing high school. In 2021, we held a "Walk for Pearls", where 100 USI employees and their families walked to raise CNY 100,000 for Qianshan Yezhai Middle School in Anhui Province and set up the fifth USI Shueijin Pearl Class with 40 students.
In addition to funding, we continued to follow up on these pearl students and support them emotionally. With our love and support, USI Shueijin Pearl Class of 2018 in Chongqing Jianshan High School and Luoyang Third Middle School passed their Gaokao with flying colors. 100% of pearl students in Jianshan High School got accepted to their dream universities. 97% of pearl students in Luoyang Third Middle School got accepted, with 45% getting into tier 1 schools.
Currently, three pearl students joined our workforce, and we plan to continue providing them with internship and employment opportunities as we believe pearl students are future stars that will shine and illuminate the community.