Social Involvement
Conserving the Environment
Million Tree Project

USI joined the Shanghai Roots and Shoots Youth Activity Center's Million Tree Project since 2013. Planting trees in Inner Mongolia and Ningxia reduces desertification and creates local job opportunities. According to Shanghai Roots and Shoots, with the efforts of every volunteer and the local government, the ecosystem is undergoing tremendous change, and we are gradually increasing the biodiversity of the land. By the end of 2021, USI has planted 107,833 trees covering 76.71 hectares, capturing 16,416 kg of CO2.

International Coastal Cleanup

To protect the oceans and coastal ecosystem and take action to restore them, USI has joined the international coastal cleanup event each year since 2015 and encourages employees to volunteer to raise environmental protection awareness through a hands-on approach. We chose Shanghai Fengxian and Taichung Dajiaxishi Seawall as our cleanup locations in 2021. Within a few hours, 85 volunteers picked over 2,705 pieces of trash, totaling 335.2 kg.