Universal Scientific Industrial


  • Press Releases
  •  12/21/2022

USI Receives “2022 Best Practice of the Board of Directors’ Office Award” from the CAPCO

(2022-12-21 Shanghai) On December 16, China Association for Public Companies (CAPCO) announced the award winners of the 2022 Best Practices of Boards of Directors’ Office of Listed Companies. USI won the “2022 Best Practices of Boards of Directors’ Office Award”, the highest prize in this activity.

The selection activity, hosted by the CAPCO, aimed to guide the staff of the boards of directors’ office or the securities department of listed companies to improve their professionalism and establish the industry benchmark. Winners were categorized by “2022 Best Practice of the Board of Directors’ Office Award” and “2022 Excellent Practice of the Board of Directors’ Office Award”.  A total of 150 and 271 companies received the honors respectively. Award winners are listed companies which demonstrated a good performance in the work of their securities department, such as information disclosure, corporate governance mechanism, investor relations (IR) management, formulation and revision of relevant rules, supervision and training of relevant personnel, etc.

USI has been listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) since 2012, and 2022 is its 10th anniversary. To be recognized by the CAPCO and receive the 2022 Best Practice of the Board of Directors’ Office Award is an honor for USI. This award recognizes and encourages our high-quality performance in various aspects over the decade, such as information disclosure and corporate governance. USI has been devoted to investor services by regularly providing performance briefings and investor conferences. Since 2014, the board secretary has hosted quarterly investor telephone conferences.

At the beginning of 2022, the company started providing investor video conferences instead of telephone conferences. By providing visualized information, inviting internal business units to share the key business and strategic direction, and releasing archives to the SSE e-interaction platform and USI’s official website. These services allow investors to know more about our financial performance and operating conditions. In addition, USI set up its official enterprise accounts on two financial information websites and APPs, “RoyalFlush” and “Eastmoney”, which are popular among Chinese investors, and held this year’s third-quarter investor conference via live broadcast on RoyalFlush to increase the participation of individual investors and better interact with investors.

USI keeps improving communication with investors and communicating the company's business strategy, development, industry trends and corporate value to the investors openly and transparently. In the future, the company will continuously strive for sustainable operation, improve corporate governance and IR management, maintain a favorable capital market image, and continue to enhance the company's value.
Universal Scientific Industrial

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